It ain't over, folks, not by a long shot. Lincoln Square in Chicago is under assault by politicians who - let's not mince words here - who don't give a crap about you, about their constituents, about decency. All they care about is power, the money they can grub from developers, and the ego boost that comes with both. Let's not let this story die. It is a huge issue for the entire nation, and may affect YOU directly one day when your alderman or state senator decides to take your house, the apartment building you live in, your business, your mother's house, etc. Keep writing letters to your elected officials - all of them. This excellent report from ace reporter Lorraine Swanson updates us [emphasis mine]: Following a noisy protest outside of Schulter's 47th Ward service office earlier this month, Schulter withdrew the original ordinance that had already been approved by the city's Community Development Commission and the City Council's Housing and Real Estate Committee. Schulter announced a substitute ordinance last week putting 12 of the 16 land parcels north of 4807 N. Lincoln Ave. on a "voluntary acquisition" list with a four-year shelf life. Still slated for involuntary acquisition are the Walgreen's building at 4801 N. Lincoln Ave., and two privately-owned properties on the 4800 block of North Claremont Avenue. All of the properties lie within the Western Avenue North TIF District.

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