Anti-Military Hate Crime in Rogers Park

Atty. Jay R. Grodner,
Hateful Liberal Jackass
"The lowest form of life ever discovered on planet Earth has been found in Chicago, Illinois. It’s lower than pond scum, less desirable than the Ebola virus, deserving of none of the respect you gave that dog crap you once scraped off your shoe. It’s name: Attorney Jay R. Grodner." ~ Bill Bobbs - 12-31-07

There is a little firestorm brewing in Chicago' s Rogers Park neighborhood. It's about hatred for the U.S. military. A U.S. Marine sergeant, visiting friends in Chicago before deploying overseas, fell victim to anti-military hatred here recently. He was verbally attacked. The attacker then allegedly "keyed" the paint on the sergeant's car.

While this may not legally be a hate crime, it was certainly motivated by hatred. Hatred for the military. Hatred for America. Hatred for a U.S. Marine. Hatred, allegedly, from a Chicago family law attorney named Jay R. Grodner. (Note: Grodner pleaded guilty in January, 2008.)

The story is getting national attention, thanks largely to a posting titled "Anti-Military Lawyer Damages Marine's Car on Eve of Deployment." Local bloggers in Rogers Park have picked up the story. To see the impassioned comments from them, go here.

Ultimately, it is about love of country and respect for neighbors. It is appropriate that this drama plays out in this, the 49th aldermanic ward of Chicago, for this neighborhood is a microcosm of everything good and everything bad in the U.S. today.

Jay Grodner: Too sexy for you
Not everybody in Chicago's east Rogers Park neighborhood is a self-avowed communist. Not everybody in this, the 49th Ward, openly proclaims their desire to shoot the U.S. President or Vice President. Not everybody in this eclectic neighborhood hates the members of the U.S. military. But plenty do.

It's not unusual to hear a sober person in Rogers Park declare openly that they would love to shoot Bush or Cheney. To, you know, kill them. This is no exaggeration. These self-proclaimed liberals who love peace and hate the death penalty "even for Hitler" would, so they say, shoot Mssrs. Bush and Cheney.

Alderman Joe Moore is a Democrat and the Alderman of the 49th Ward, a weird little 2-square mile area. Moore has been outspoken in his opposition to the war in Iraq. There is nothing wrong with that per se, but a local blogger today asked, "Has Joe Moore created a hate in Rogers Park towards military personal [sic]?"

It's a fair question, and here's why. It's the way that Moore and his comrades have opposed the war. It's one thing to say you think the war is wrong, or being conducted inappropriately. But Moore - and many Democrats (sorry) - have stayed silent while people like U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) have compared our military personnel to Nazis. The silence from Ald. Moore and, indeed, the entire Democrat Party was deafening. By omission, they have agreed with Durbin and others that our military personnel are evil, baby killing rapists.

Two of Joe Moore's best friends and fervent supporters are co-owners of the Heartland Cafe, a restaurant and tavern in Rogers Park. The two are Michael James and Katy Hogan, who recently put together a reunion of SDS members (see the video!). James and Hogan are fellow travelers with fervent anti-Americans, self-avowed Communists, and those who hate the men and women who serve us so bravely.

Even many Progressives, Libs and Democrats steer clear of the place, complaining about lousy service and - to the point of this article - the hatred that is palpable throughout the joint. The broken Navy missile (it's a fake) perched atop the Heartland is a loud screaming testimony to the way this crowd feels about the U.S. military. Indeed, it is a statement about how they feel about the United States.

Also See:
Another Jay Grodner Update Moonbattery
Man who keyed car gets day in court - John Kass Chicago Tribune
More On The Idiot Lawyer Jay Grodner Second City Cop
Jay R. Grodner, A Chicago Lawyer You Should Know Confederate Yankee
Chicago lawyer Jay R. Grodner is a giant douche This Goes To 11
Military Hating Lawyer Keys Marines Car Flopping Aces
The tolerant left HoyStory