One of the biggest public works projects in Chicago history is blocked by ice, rendering it impassable. The Westgard Drainage Canal, a massive excavation project completed just this summer, failed to drain water as promised.
As a result, a large body of water formed at the mouth of the canal, and the recent cold snap caused ice to form. That ice has stopped the flow of water into the canal, thus causing nearby residents to consider sand bagging

and even possible evacuation to higher ground. The new body of water has been named
Westgard's Puddle, after the namesake of the failed drainage project. Some scientists are already likening Westgard's Puddle to another large man-made body of water, the accidental Salton Sea in Southern California.
The enhanced photo to the right shows the coldest regions of the flood waters in blue and the warmest areas in red. Scientists have not been able to form a complete theory as to why the Westgard Drainage Canal has failed so completely, but some say it is simply a matter of poor engineering.
These photos, taken from above the canal, were obtained exclusively by The Bench. These aerial views of the Westgard Drainage Canal show what happens when humans try to fool Mother Nature, as the builders of the canal did.
Located in northern neighborhood of Rogers Park, the photography team endured frigid cold and unfriendly ruffians to get these photographs.