WANTED: Opinionated loudmouths to develop GOPCHICAGO.COM, GOPILLINOIS.NET. We prefer loudmouths who know what they're talking about, of course. Must be able to write coherently. Must be willing to work for nothing but glory, self satisfaction and a possible financial payoff. Oh yes, we're also looking for advertising sales geniuses who are willing to work for 25% commission (negotiable) glory and the opportunity to hang out with opinionated loudmouths. Your goal, super sales geniuses, is to get advertising, dig? Especially political advertising during this insane election cycle. These web sites will be primarily conservative in orientation, but hey, just to show that we're good Americans we'll allow a few limp-wristed liberals to contribute too. As if that's not enough, Effete Lberals will get the same good deal that you God Fearing Conservatives get. All's fair in love, war and the Internet. Interested? Drop us a line at with "" - nothing more, nothing less - in the subject line. (If you don't put that in the subject line, your response will be deleted. Tell us what you want to do for us, what you expect from us, why we should not ignore you, and so on. Keep it under 500 words, friends. Let the show begin...

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