Bullying, Plain and Simple: Challenging the Thieves of City Hall

As recently noted, the City Council of Chicago is trying to "legally" steal private property by using eminent domain. This is a very dangerous trend, which has gotten a disappointingly meager reaction from the citizens of Chicago. Bah bah bah. Are you all sheep? Wake up, folks. Your house, apartment building or business may be next. One reader, at least, is not asleep and seems more interested in what's going on that in watching crap on television. Kudos and thanks to her for writing the following: Date: November 20, 2007 6:27:35 AM CST To: ward47@cityofchicago.org Cc: Joe Moore To Aldermen Schulter and Moore, I'm writing about the proposed plans to develop property on the 4800 block of Western Avenue. It is of great concern that private citizens stand to lose their buildings and businesses just because others think the site could be utilized differently. There are no objective standards or even clear guidelines for doing this sort of thing. It's simply wrong to proceed as it seems things are going. I ask that when this comes before the full City Council on December 12, the rights and welfare of the current owners, and those who are against taking the properties through eminent domain, be fully considered. It is of particular concern that the proposed uses are not the kinds of public projects that eminent domain is supposed to be used for. This could be an incredibly slippery slope, and therefore is important to all Chicagoans. Please be aware that many, many people are against this sort of step. It is bullying, plain and simple, and it's wrong. Newer and bigger is not always better. The Lincoln Square neighborhood is a charming and wonderful mix of many kinds of buildings and businesses, and is a valuable asset to the City. It has a personality and a strong, interesting history. It does not deserve to be hijacked in the name of the desires of a few. Thank you. [A Concerned Resident] 49th Ward RELATED: Eminent Domain Moves Forward