Dear Neighbor, Please copy this text and paste it into a Word document. Print out a few sheets for people to sign. Bring it to the meeting at the Lakeshore School at 6759 N. Greenview (at W. Pratt) on October 23, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. (See petition text below.) Send original petitions to Alderman Joe Moore and copies of petitions to 24th Police District Commander Rottner and Scott Bruner, Director, Department of Business Affairs and Licensing. Letters emails or phone calls to Commander Rottner wouldn't hurt either. (Contact info below.) Commander Rottner's role is only advisory, but the Dept. of Business Affairs does ask for input from the district police commander. Commander Rottner truly cares about what the community wants. Alderman Joe Moore 7356 N. Greenview Chicago, IL 60626 Phone: 773-338-5796 24th District Commander Bruce Rottner 6464 N. Clark St. • Chicago, IL 60660 Phone: (312) 744-5907 • Fax: (312) 744-6928 district24@chicagopolice.org Community Policing Phone: (312) 744-6321 Scott Bruner, Director Department of Business Affairs and Licensing 121 North La Salle St., Room 800 Chicago, IL 60602 (312) 74-GOBIZ (744-6249) http://www.cityofchicago.org/businessaffairs ----- THE PETITION: Copy and paste into Word. Print it. Circulate it. ----- "NO!" TO 7-11 LIQUOR LICENSE at PRATT & GLENWOOD! As a resident of Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood, I oppose the application for a liquor license by the 7-Eleven store at 1414 W. Pratt (at N. Glenwood). I feel that sales of alcoholic beverages at this store would make their busy parking lot more dangerous to children who pass through it on their way to and from school, the park, or friends' homes. It would expose children who shop at this 7-11 to a bad influence. Please do not allow the 7-11 at 1414 W. Pratt to have a liquor license.

Name (Print)

Name (Signature)

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