Kevin O'Neil and Some Idiot Respond

Some reader who signs as “dbt” said: I'm a regular reader of both craig and the cta-t.I'm not a regular reader of yours, and I won't be after you feel the need to go after someone's livelihood for the temerity to disagree with you. That's a low blow. Note to “dbt”: Stop reading this blog, then. As for the “low blow,” do you have a problem with writers attacking the “livelihood” of a public figure? Because, pal, that’s what Kevin O’Neil has been. He's been in positions of power locally, and O’Neil and the Joe Moore Gang have been fucking with people’s livelihoods for years. By the way, who the hell are you, and why are you afraid to use your real name? And Kevin O'Neil wrote a heartfelt plea: To:,, Subject: For the record Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 17:56:41 -0400 From: To Tom Westgard, Craig Gernhardt and Tom Mannis: 1. I am not the author of "The Broken Liver of Rogers Park." To Mannis specifically: 2. My authorship of the CTA Tattler blog has nothing to do with my employment at ["a big fat quasi-socialist special interest group."]. Therefore, I would appreciate if you directed your comments toward me as an individual or as author of the CTA Tattler. 3. I have neither written nor spoken any comment about "spitting on the troops." Kevin O'Neil 2. My writing the CTA Tattler blog has nothing to do with my employment at the ["a big fat quasi-socialist special interest group"]. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin O’Neil can dish it out anonymously, but when the bright lights shine on him he feels the burn. Can’t take the heat, poor boy. Perhaps this squid of a public figure should carefully read his own email, above, and reflect on his idiotic and hypocritical statements. To help him with that homework assignment, we present the following cheat sheet for Kev-O. 1. “I am not the author of "The Broken Liver of Rogers Park.” Then who is, Kevin? If not you, surely it’s one of the other squids who lick the boots of Alderman Joe “The Extortionist” Moore and post anonymous comments on unfriendly blogs. If it’s not you, who? Stop whining, Mister Public Figure Kevin O’Neil, if The Bench is wrong about you, then you’ll get a big fat public apology. But until then, you remain a public figure. 2. “My authorship of the CTA Tattler blog has nothing to do with my employment at ["a big fat quasi-socialist special interest group."]. Therefore, I would appreciate if you directed your comments toward me as an individual or as author of the CTA Tattler.” Your employment as the Marketing Operations Director for a big fat quasi-socialist special interest group is very public. I would be remiss if I did not mention it. Furthermore, genius, I’m sure that the big fat quasi-socialist special interest group that you work for demands that their Marketing Operations Director not be an embarrassment to them. The facts are plain: You are a very public figure. Your years of involvement of helping Joe Moore to screw people’s lives up through up-zoning, down-zoning and bullying them through the Zoning Committee have helped make you a public figure. Your tenure as a past president of DevCorp North, a tool of Alderman Moore and co-conspirator in leaning on businesses in the 49th Ward, have contributed to your public figure status, Kev-O. None of those have anything to do with the Tattler or with the big fat quasi-socialist special interest group you work for, either. You are, sadly, news worthy. You apparently slept through that portion of your Journalism classes, too: Public figures, particularly those involved with government and public policy, are big fat targets and fair game for open and public speculation. Hell, the color of your underwear is fair game, Kev-O, so butch up and stop whining. 2. “My writing the CTA Tattler blog has nothing to do with my employment at [a big fat quasi-socialist special interest group].” Your second Point Number 2 (what the...?) obviously has nothing to do with a big fat quasi-socialist special interest group. Duh. What does your involvement with CAPS or the Zoning Committee have to do that big fat quasi-socialist special interest group you work for? What the hell is your point? Perhaps you also slept through that portion of your Journalism 101 classes: When you write something, have a point, get to the point, make the point. Jeez.

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