Joe Moore's New Path

In the photo below, we see three great examples of lousy engineering. They're all right here in Chicago's underserved 49th Ward of Rogers Park, and all three photos were taken within the past three days at Loyola Park on the lakefront. From left to right, the photos show (1) Huge potholes on the footpaths, recently filled in with gravel; (2) The Westgard Drainage Canal and Pedestrian Hazard; (3) crumbling concrete curbs, steps, walls and seating areas (click for larger image).
This past weekend, Alderman Joe Moore sent an email blast so incredibly dishonest and simultaneously so stupid that it screamed out, "blog me!" So here it is, with my interjected comments. Oh, by the way, we're concentrating on Photo Number One, far left.

Dear Neighbor,

I'm sure you will agree that the foot path that winds its way through Loyola Park along Lake Michigan provides one of the most picturesque and peaceful walks anywhere in Chicago. I'm sure you will also agree that the path itself needs a major overhaul. Cracks, potholes and muddy ruts abound and mar an otherwise gorgeous view. I'm pleased to report that will soon change.

MY COMMENT: Yes, yes, placate us by stating the obvious in a sympathetic tone. Then tell us you're pleased that things will get better. What Moore doesn't tell us is that residents of his ward have been screaming for this change for years. The footpaths that have become hazardous to man and beast have been crumbling for years, years, years, and Moore is "pleased to report" that they will "soon change."

The Chicago Park District has embarked on a project to completely repair and resurface the foot path in the park. [Emphasis mine.]

COMMENT: Look at Picture Number one, above. It's a huge hole (one of many in the park). It's about 120 feet long by up to six feet wide. And it's filled with gravel. Moore assumes that we're all idiots. You see, Moore stated that the footpath will be "completely" repaired. Think about that as we read on...

If you've visited Loyola Park recently, you may have noticed that work already has begun on the most run-down portion of the path, near Pratt Avenue. The path's current crumbling condition is due in large part to the Park District trucks and Police Department patrol cars that navigate through the park. The path was not sufficiently durable to support the vehicles, nor sufficiently wide to prevent the muddy ruts and tire tracks that currently border much of the path. The path will be resurfaced with a layer of asphalt thick enough to withstand the weight of the trucks and patrol cars.

COMMENT: Moore is correct in saying that the paths are crumbling because of the trucks and police cars driving over them. Specifically, blue Streets and Sanitation garbage trucks lumber through the park and collect garbage. However, the trucks and cars have been doing this for years, and for years the geniuses at the Park District knew this would happen. Of course, they've been aware of the problem for a long time. And now they fill the holes with gravel, and expect us to believe that they will be "completely" repaired. If so, why fill the holes with gravel? This will be a patch job, folks. It makes no sense to fill the holes with anything at all if the entire path will be ripped up and replaced. Moore continued...

And the path will be widened from its current eight-foot width to as much as twelve feet whenever possible to minimize the ruts caused by the vehicles. Park District trucks and Chicago police cars will be the only vehicles permitted on the path. The project will undergo two phases. The first phase involves the resurfacing and selective widening of the path between Pratt Avenue and the tennis courts, and between Lunt and Greenleaf Avenues. The Park District hopes to complete this phase by the end of October, weather permitting. The next phase will focus on the portion of the path between the tennis courts and Lunt Avenue.

COMMENT: Notice that Moore does not mention anything about ripping up the old paths. Furthermore, he admits that a prime cause of the paths' crumbling - the garbage trucks - will continue to rumble over them. Continuing...

Another major park priority of mine...

WAIT, WAIT. He calls is a major priority of his? It's HIS major priority? Only because it's become a huge embarrassment to him. Moore has let the park go to hell for years, but only after months of hammering by local bloggers do we suddenly get this. Can anybody guess how much TIF money Moore funneled into this??? the repair of the tennis courts at Loyola Park, as well as the courts in Touhy Park on Clark Street and Rogers Beach on Eastlake Terrace. I'm pleased to report that the tennis courts at Touhy Park are currently being resurfaced and upgraded, and I'm pressing the Park District to include the courts in Loyola Park and Rogers Beach in next year's capital budget.

COMMENT: What about that chunk of Park District land at the end of Farwell Avenue, Joe, that you're helping the Park District sell off to a private condo developer, hmmm???

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you soon on the new foot path!

COMMENT: When was the last time you saw Joe Moore walking along the foot paths when there was no political event going on nearby?

Sincerely, Joe Moore

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