David Fagus: Are You Shitting Me?

Dogmatic imbecile David Fagus, lacky and boot licker of Chicago's 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore, is "running" for re-election. Oh, yes, there's an election in February of 2008, and Fagus wants to be reelected to the position of 49th Ward Democratic Committeeman. What does that mean? It means that he gets to pick the majority of election judges for the ward, which is partly to explain why the 49th Ward aldermanic elections of February and April, 2007 were so suspicious. Fagus is such a mindless lacky, and so out of touch with voters and reality, that he is apparently unaware that the vast majority of Cook County residents list Cook County President Todd Stroger in their Top Ten List of Most Hated People. And here's a typical example from the overfed Fagus, who wrote the following pitiful example of butt kissing on October 7: Todd Stroger Turns It On! As the election draws near, the campaign of Todd Stroger has grown into something we can all support. The social issues are only the tip of the iceberg, but they do bear repeating. Only Todd Stroger is pro-choice, pro-GLBT and in favor of gun control. His position on reforming the Office of the Inspector General is a very strong stance on changing the culture at the county. While there may be a need for the FBI and the US Attorney in some cases, the long-term solution is to cure the problem from within. This initiative will provide a long-term solution. Stroger has also stepped up and delivered a plan to restore the publics confidence, and more importantly the children’s welfare, at the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center. A solid plan that goes even farther than President Steele has gone in her bold moves to improve the quality of the facility. Stroger has also been busy picking up endorsements. Personal PAC the strongest pro-choice committee in Chicago supports Stroger. The Chicago Federation of Labor supports Stroger for President because of his record of supporting working people. The Independent Voters of Illinois - Independent Precinct Organization, the longest and best-known progressive and independent organization in the city, has endorsed and support Todd Stroger. Stroger also pledged to be a full-time County Board President, and given the tremendous challenges ahead of the County I cannot see how anyone could hope to get the job done any other way. Locally, many of our most thoughtful and respected office holders have endorsed Stroger. Those people include: Cong. Jan Schakowsky, Comm. Larry Suffredin, and Comm. Mike Quigley not only three former Claypool supporters, but also his campaign manager. The tide seemed to turn at a September 25, 2006 debate where Stroger stepped up his game and took his issues hard to his opponent. The election is drawing near. Our Democratic candidate is hitting his stride and reminding us who we are, what we stand for and what we believe in. Go Democrats! Democrats across Cook County are distancing themselves from Todd Stroger. Fagus, however, is a lacky of Stroger. Remember: FAGUS = STROGER = FAGUS = STROGER RELATED: STILL Nothin' Doin' in the 49th Ward 18 Apr 2006 by Thomas Westgard But 49th Ward Democratic Committeeman David Fagus still thinks the most important thing for you to do is to get to the polls. A month ago. With totally unenergized leadership like this, is it any wonder 49th Ward Democrats aren't more ...Morose Hellhole - http://morosehellhole.blogspot.com POLITICAL WINDS

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