Danger on the Sidewalks

A neighbor and faithful reader of The Bench is rightly concerned about the idiots who ride their bikes like crazy people along the sidewalks, specifically along N. Sheridan Road. I share the reader's concern, but fear that nothing can be done short of draconian measures. Bench: Your attention is requested to address the dire danger of bicycling scofflaws on the sidewalks of Sheridan Road in Rogers Park. See, especially, the extremely prominent signs on every corner of every cross-street directing bicyclists NOT TO RIDE ON THE SIDEWALK BUT TO WALK THEIR BIKES. I would very much like to avoid committing manslaughter - these doofuses make it really difficult. I feel your pain, dear reader, I really do. But I've had a video posted for a year now showing how dangerous the intersection of N. Greenview and W. Pratt is, and the Powers That Be have not responded to it. What makes you think they would respond to little ol' me demanding that something be done about cycling scofflaws? The law was changed within the past 18 months so that it is illegal for anybody over 13 years of age to ride their bike on a sidewalk. Ironically, that just makes it worse. Adults who ride their bikes on the sidewalk tend to be far more careful than kids, who often rip along at high speed without concern for the person who may unexpectedly walk out of a doorway and into their path. The law essentially legitimized that by specifically exempting irresponsible kids. Best to just poke your head out, look both ways, then enter the fast lane of the sidewalk. My suggestion to you, dear reader, is to take a hint from an old World War II movie starring Steve McQueen movie that I recall. McQueen and his band of soldiers strung thin wire from tree to tree, across the roadways, to decapitate the Nazi soldiers who were chasing them on motorcycles. The effect was swift and had the immediate effect of making the road much safer for pedestrians. You can pick up thin wire at any good hardware store. You might consider demanding speed bumps for the sidewalks in your neighborhood. Alderman Joe Moore of the 49th Ward is known to love speed bumps, and would probably respond favorably to your request for speed bumps to be placed along the sidewalks along N. Sheridan Road.

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