Cook County Budget: As Lean As David Fagus

The Cook County budget is about as lean as the waistline of 49th Ward Committeeman David Fagus (left) - not very. In fact, it's bulging with fat. Reality, however, doesn't prevent Cook County Prezadint Todd Stroger (right) from claiming that there is nothing left to trim from the county's budget. Friend John Ruberry sums it up nicely with his piece this week in Illinoize, "No fat in Cook County budget?":

Last year Sen. Barack Obama called Cook County Board President Todd Stroger "a good progressive Democrat" and someone who will "lead us into a new era of Cook County government."Stroger is a hack, but unfortunately he's someone who really is leading me and 5.3 million residents of Cook County into that new era.The new era could end up with a doubling of the gasoline tax, a 2.8 percent property tax increase, and worst of all, the nation's highest sales tax. FULL POST...

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