Comment From The Basement

"Braig Gernliver," which is not a real person and probably one of the multiple personalites of a very disturbed person. He writes this love note: Your blog is crap "Mannis" Go back to trying to peak up Ann Coulter's skirt. I have the truth on my blog. There are several things that are disturbingly wrong with that comment: 1) Bad punctuation. There should be a period in "Mannis" so that it looks like this: "Mannis." 2) I've never tried to "peak" up Ann Coulter's skirt. Furthermore, "Gernliver" misspelled "peak." The correct spelling in this context is "peek." 3) If "Gernliver" would actually read the blog he is so critical of, he would have read my post that was highly critical of Ms. Coulter. 4) "Braig Gernliver" claims to have the truth on his blog. But this person is not honest about his own identity. If this "Gernliver" character were truly honest, and has external gonads, he would be forthcoming about his real identity. But "Gernliver" hides behind a fake name. How can one trust a masked man? Other bloggers - the ones that count - use their real names. Craig, Toni, Jocelyn and I all use our real names. Why not this "Gernliver" creature? 5) "Gernliver" not only hides his real identity, he outright lies about it. He claims to have "Inherited Hay Chicago magazine." There is no such magazine, ergo "Gernliver" lies twice with one statement. No such magazine, no such inheritance. 6) "Gernliver" calls himself a "valliant crusader" in his profile but cannot even spell "valliant" correctly. 7) "Gernliver" is probably an insecure megalomaniac with a small imagination, who sits in a dark corner of his mother's partly finished basement, imaging himself to have "powers that don't like" him, both in Chicago and "around the world." Sure, the Illuminati and Interpol are out to get this guy. He's such a threat to The Powers. Read the creepy, drooly rantings of this weirdo here and decide for yourself.

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