United States of What the Hell?!?

Thanks to Kheris at The Living Room in Rogers Park for picking up on my recent post about the current ongoing conspiracy to effectively abolish the United States by means of absorbing it and Mexico and Canada into a new entity, the North American Union. But Kheris, I fear, may not have gotten the seriousness with which I am screaming about the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). I have great respect for Kheris as a friend and as an intellectual, but she wrote, "As a federal bureaucrat I am somewhat familiar with the word games Uncle plays to tell the story his way. All the same, at first blush Tom's links look like much ado over a variety of agreements that do nothing more than enable the 3 largest players at this end of the hemisphere to play nice together. That's not such a bad idea." And that's where my point was missed, and exactly what the SPP conspirators want you to think. Cooperation? How nice! Can't we all just get along? Let me remind you of another union of nations, advertised as a big lovefest: The former Soviet Union. Wasn't that a nice idea? Less dramatically, and more currently, we have the European Union. What people don't seem to understand is that, in essence, France is no longer a truly sovereign nation. Neither is any other EU member. If legislative bodies want to pass laws in those nations, they need persmission from the EU ministers. Can you imagine the US Congress needing permission from North American Union body of ministers for permission to pass certain laws? Kiss your representative government goodbye. Kheris added, "Interestingly enough, I haven't seen anything from the conservative heavy hitters such as Novak, Will or Krauthammer." Actually, CNN's Lou Dobbs has been all over this story for a couple of years now (see video below). The Canadian media are screaming loudly about it, and have been for years. Don't miss this story, people. If things are really happening behind the scenes as Lou Dobbs, myself and many others fear, we might not be able to discuss this openly much longer. For those of you who think Bush is a dictator now, you ain't seen nothin' yet. The coming NAU ministerial bureaucracy will make you look back on 2007 as one of our last years of freedom. Further reading: LOU DOBBS Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Xs8bposCc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kjsy2Z3kdI

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