
United Nations: Impotence on Parade

Once again, the impotence of the United Nations is being displayed for all the world to see. In Burma (a.k.a. Myanmar), the recent and ongoing slaughter of Budhist monks has shocked many obververs worldwide. The Times Online reports today that a "crucial United Nations mission to Burma is facing failure before it has even begun, after the country's ruling generals refused to allow a meeting with the detained democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi." The headline of the article: Burma junta blocks UN meeting. That pretty much says it all. Just what will the UN do to bring peace to Burma? Much hand wringing, no doubt, perhaps some threats of sanctions. Nothing of substance, you can bet. The Economist explains that "The latest round of protests began last month, after the government suddenly imposed drastic fuel-price rises. At first, the demonstrations, organised by veterans of the students' movement that led the 1988 protests, were fairly small. The regime arrested many leaders and sent plain-clothed goons to beat up demonstrators. It looked as if the protests might fizzle until, earlier this month, soldiers fired over the heads of monks demonstrating in the central town of Pakkoku. Some reports said monks were also beaten and arrested." The Times Online report also notes that "UN, Chinese and western diplomats are attempting to pressure the Burmese generals to allow Ibrahim Gambari, the UN Secretary General's Special Representative on Burma, to meet Ms Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has been held under house arrest for 12 of the past 18 years." Here's hoping. But don't hold your breath. The crazy Burmese generals hold all the cards in this game. The Economist leaves us with this ominous passage: As in 1988 and 1990 the Burmese people have shown they want to choose their own leaders. In the past they did not fully reckon on the ruthlessness of the people they were up against. One day, as with all tyrannies, Myanmar's will fall. But much blood may flow before that day dawns.