Supreme Court to Rule on Voter IDs

Democrat Hypocrisy Rears Its Ugly Head. They want to give away the vote to illegal aliens by attacking the requirement for voters to show I.D. But what about the poor and minorities who must show I.D. to get food stamps or buy liquor? Is that also unfair?

There are five important things in this picture, all of which you need an I.D. to participate in. Can you find the things that Democrats don't like in this picture? (Hint: Democrats love illegal immigration even more than some Republicans do, and they'd love to have all those millions of illegals be able to vote for them.)

1) Cigarettes. Merchants are required to get I.D. from anybody who looks like they might not be old enough to smoke.

2) Alcoholic beverages. Merchants, bars and restaurants are required to get I.D. from anybody who looks like they might not be old enough to drink alcohol.

3) A LINK card, which is an electronic form of Food Stamps, which are a form of welfare. You must show an I.D. to prove that you are who you say you are, and that you qualify for welfare benefits.

4) A place of employment. The liquor store pictured here employs people, and federal law requires that you show I.D. to the employer to demonstrate that you are (a) legally able to work in this country, (b) who you say you are, and to allow a background check, (c) old enough to work in a liquor store.

5) A political sign urging you to vote, in this case for Joe Moore, alderman of the 49th Ward in Chicago.

Democrats have no problem with an I.D. being required for buying alcohol or cigarettes. They have no problem with the government asking for I.D. when you apply for welfare. The items that Democrats do not like: Requiring I.D. to vote, and requiring I.D. to prove that you are legally able to work in this country.

The Wall Street Journal reports today that the Supreme Court is about to hear a case that will "decide whether voter-identification laws unfairly deter poor and minority Americans from voting, stepping into a contentious partisan issue in advance of the 2008 elections."

The Supreme Court justices, writes the WSJ, will hear the case early next year "in a challenge to an Indiana law that requires voters to present photo ID before casting their ballots." Indiana say the law is helps to combat voter fraud. But remember, folks, Democrats (and yes, some Republicans) love and even encourage voter fraud.

Indiana's Democrat Party and civil-rights groups (ACLU, etc.) say they believe the requirement for I.D. in order to vote "unfairly targets poor and minority voters, without any evidence that in-person voter fraud exists in Indiana."

Ask yourself this, fellow citizens: Does this smell like bullshit to you? Do you believe that requiring I.D. for voting "unfairly targets" poor and minority voters any more than the liquor stores selling out of 40 ounce cans of cheap malt liquor every day are "unfairly targeting" somebody by requiring I.D. to get their drink on? Do you?