Sarkozy's Big Reforms

A lot of Brits like to retire to France, just across the Channel. One of the big attractions is free health care. People love free stuff, you know, and free health care is especially attractive. But French president Nicolas Sarkozy wants to change that. Unlike his Socialist opponents, he understands the simple fact that nothing is ever "free," that somebody has to pay for it even if the recipient doesn't. There are those in Rogers Park who are celebrating the fact that the Federal Government recently decided, with the reluctant help of Congressman Jan Schakowsky, to take $1.5 million of your tax dollars in order to give away health services. Not to old British retirees entering the country legally, but to - amongst others - able bodied working age people who broke the law to enter the United States. See how that works? You don't? The French are starting to get it, why not you? The Telegraph.UK reports that retirees from the U.K. who relocated to France will soon be in for a shock. the time new French president Nicolas Sarkozy has finished implementing his radical plans to improve the economy - and boosting his popularity with the electorate - some of those expats may be wishing they were back here. After sending a shot across the bows about the rosbifs pushing up property prices beyond the means of the locals - and threatening to put a stop to it - he has followed it up with a ban on free health care to anyone who took early retirement and moved to France. About 34,000 UK pensioners live in France, and those over retirement age will not be affected. However, those not yet 65 who have lived there for more than two years will soon have to pay for health care. Facing an expensive annual bill for health insurance, it is likely many British will decide to come home and take their chances with the NHS, which, after all, they have paid for through National Insurance contributions. But they will face two major problems. FULL STORY...

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