Planting Community Spirit

Beauty, comraderie, spirit. That's what we need around here, and that's what we get from our good friends at the Rogers Park Garden Group. The New-Star ran a nice article about our local green-thumbed neighborhood boosters on September 14...

Pamela Van Giessen, event spokesperson, said that items donated for the fundraiser include, "a cornucopia of treasures from a ton of shade- and sun-loving perennials and native plants to tea roses; gift certificates for various services from dog grooming and dance lessons to massages; local restaurant and garden center gift certificates; handmade goods including garden trellises, bird baths and garden signs made by local carpenter, Andrew De LaRosa; art work; gift baskets; and some terra cotta pieces from the old Ace Hardware building on Howard, and much more."

"The RPGG believes that community gardens only work long-term if residents take ownership of local space," Van Giessen explains. "To that end, the RPGG is soliciting proposals from neighborhood and business groups to undertake a project on private or public space for 2008. You pick the spot and gather a handful of neighbors to maintain the space, and the RPGG will help you with fundraising and site design, plant selection, and actual site preparation and planting." FULL ARTICLE...

Find out how you can get involved with the RPGG!

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