North American Union Drivers License Debuts

You panicked over the proposal of a national I.D. card, didn't you? That ain't nothin', pal.

The impending blending of the United States, Mexico and Canada into one superstate called the North American Union looms large. To those doubters still out there, this is real. There are those who are plotting the destruction of the sovereignty of these three countries.

The plotters include George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and many more Republicans and Democrats alike. Not to mention, of course, their counterparts in the Mexican and Canadian governments. This story by uber writer Jerome R. Corsi tells us about the new North American Union driver's license:

The first "North American Union" driver's license, complete with a hologram of the continent on the reverse, has been created in North Carolina. FULL STORY...

Left, right unite to oppose North American Union
North American Union - A Brave New Orwellian World
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