The Election of February 2008

Gearing up for the February 2008 election...
Did you know that the 49th Ward has TWO committeemen?

Hugh wrote a gem and posted it at the 24/7 North of Howard Watchers blog. Sayeth Hugh:

Alderman Joe Moore revealed the cornerstone of his strategy for re-electing his chief flunky, David Fagus to the local Democratic Party post of Committeeman from the 49th Ward:A Vote for Dave is a Vote for Barack!

Yes, this is good stuff. Kudos to Hugh. This should remind us all that Comrade David Fagus and Comrade Joe Moore also heartily backed His Royal Highness, Cook County President Todd Stroger. Ya happy with that? Hugh twists the knife a bit Moore:

"David Fagus is the Democratic ward committeeman. He's up for [re-]election next March. He's really built a very diverse and representative Party in the 49th Ward. I'm proud to count him as a friend. I look forward to working with him, because we've got some important elections coming up. First of all, our own US Senator Barack Obama. Both Dave and I are very strong supporters of Senator Obama, and we want to do whatever we can to help him win."

As the Democrat Party's committeeman of this ward, Fagus has the power to appoint election judges for the polling places. What does this mean? Why, it means that Flunky Fagus appoints party hacks and morons to be election judges, which is why Moore has been able to get away with the crapola at the polling places for so long. Remember the photo (left) of Moore talking to an old woman while she was voting? Any honest election judge would have physically tackled Moore and dragged him screaming out of the room. But not the Fagus Crew, no sirree.

Get ready for the February 2008 elections. Yes, it seems boring. Yes, it's in a shitty month by design. Yes, they expect you to vote Democrat. But hey, Democrat voters of the 49th Ward, are YOU really happy with the shits that you've voted in so far? Fagus, Moore, Stroger, and on and on and on. Time for a change people. A strong Republican ward committeeman is your best hope for a strong opposition to counter more Machine fraud and hijinx. Unfortunately, we have not yet had a strong Republican in the 49th. Before you freak out, know this: A vote for a Republican ward committeeman is NOT a vote for the party at large. The committeeman is an unpaid position, but quietly powerful. If you want to keep the corruption in place, vote for Fagus. If you want change, vote for the Republican committeeman. Yes, a Democrat can go to the polls and vote for a Republican. If you really think you're an independent thinker, you'll give this serious consideration. More, much more, about this later....