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Hey Mo |
Update, January 4, 2015: MO'S WOES, Harborer of Rats: Seems she's trying to be an urban farmer, and that got her into some hot water with the City of Chicago late last year. While other people are capable of following the city's rules for such farms, Mo just can't get it right. Of course, it's not her fault that the city is picking on her unfairly just because she completely screwed up so badly on multiple charges that include endangering the public health. In her own self-righteous way, Mo Cahill is convinced that she's done nothing wrong. Here, read for yourself at DNA Info.
Mo has a hard time with original concepts, too: She calls her rat harbor urban farm "Moah's Ark," but that name is already taken by a professional landscaping service in England. On her LinkedIn profile she says, "my skills and passions intersect at designing for political campaigns and issues." Wot? Note to Mo: Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. It's sure to impress even your most artsy-fartsies. The LinkedIn profile continues with, "i spend a lot of my time sidewalk teaching and preaching about sustainable agriculture and the plight of the planet. and about responsible stewardship of whatever little parcel of dirt is home." Responsible stewardship? In Mo's world, that apparently does not include rat control or consideration of neighbors. From DNA Info:
“So there's this thing called rat harborage and it does not require them to show any evidence of an actual rat, it just requires the city inspector to say, I think a rat would really like it here,” said CaHill.
“The educational opportunity that this place right behind us here provides this community is anything but a hazard,” said Andrenia.
The neighbors who are not supportive of CaHill's garden did not want to comment on camera.
Poor Mo Cahill is so dimwitted that she can't grasp the fact that rats like piles of debris made of tree parts from landscapers, logs and wood chips, and just because you see rats doesn't mean they're not there or would be attracted to the piles in the future. The city has rules, ya know. It's like the health code rule that says a restaurant must not leave doors or windows open to a kitchen because it could allow vermin to enter, but the restaurant owner does so anyway and defends his irresponsible action just because he hasn't yet seen any rat poop on the counters.
As for her "educational opportunity," well, that only speaks to her conceit and self-importance. Mo Cahill's little operation is Amateurville compared to a lot of other urban farming projects. (See a list of those urban farms here and compare.) What great wisdom can Professor Farmer Mo Cahill, PhD teach us by growing ordinary crops in non-astounding amounts in ordinary dirt and preaching about the demise of planet earth to any unfortunate passersby on the sidewalk? There's nothing revolutionary happening in Mo Cahill's garden. The fact that neighbors who "are not supportive" of her "farm" were afraid to comment on the record indicates that, well, they're afraid of Screamin' Mo (see below).
And just for chuckles, read "still more woes for Big Mo" at conservativecave.com. The best comment there: "So if it's a republican hit with building code violations he's a slumlord, but if it's a DUmmie it's the overreaching of the state." Yep, that's how it works in Mo's World.
Original Article, Continued: Cahill is well known in the Rogers Park neighborhood for lurking in the comments of other peoples' blogs, using the nom de web of "been there." She is also well known as the woman who, in a Howard Dean-like moment, screamed at the Mile of Murals meeting that kids are not good enough to participate in the Rogers Park neighborhood mural painting project.
Cahill, who publicly poses as a progressive liberal, has revealed herself to be just another Establishmentarian. She recently claimed that 14- and 15-year old kids do not have enough talent to work on a public mural, calling it a "slap in the face" to say they are capable of such a feat. She sold out for a few shekkels to The Man, the Establishment, the local Political Powers.
Apparently, Cahill's pink buttons are not working. She is quoted by the Broken Heart blog as saying, "I have been putting in more time in my studio, doing more political work... an actual job, tho temporary, may have landed in my lap. There is a local project to do a mural, hopefully the first of many annual projects. actual cash money."
Perhaps we should remind ourselves of RPB's recent revelations that the "Mile of Murals" project is way behind schedule NOT because of the Chicago Public Art Group (CPAG), but because of the locals who are tripping over their own egos and incompetence to put their own stamp on the project. Those individuals are certain members of SSA#24, DevCorp North and the alderman's office. The CTA is partly to blame as well, as sources report to RPB that CTA management is getting overly picky about the art that will go onto CTA's walls.
One wonders what Mo Cahill is contributing to this FUBAR situation. She's made herself a public figure by virtue of her web sites (plural), her ranting on the blogs as "been there" even though she knows that we all know who "been there" really is, and declaring that she is "doing more political work."
Therefore, none of us should feel the need to treat Cahill with kid gloves. If her contributions to the Mile of Murals project are anything like her inane, poorly punctuated and never capitalized blog comments, it may be even longer before the project is completed. Or even begun. While we congratulate Mo on her job, but we question the judgment of her new employer.
Also See:
CPAG's Stuffed Turkey
Hey Mo: Closing the Circle