Re: Carl Lingenfelter, CTA

Cowardly "Anonymous" has left a new comment on your post "Does Carl Lingenfelter Give a Rat's Ass?":

Well, it is obvious that you do not know Carl Lingenfelter, and that you did not contact him to get the facts regarding your complaints and anything else going on at CTA you might be wondering about. Of all the people to be complaining about! Your comments/complaints are ridiculous, and I encourage you to forward your disgruntled opinions to you State Representatives, who have been holding off funding for capital improvements for years. There are far better ways to solve your issues than to post them in a forum like this and complain about the very people who have been on your side, trying to help you. Shame on you.

My response to cowardly "Anonymous" (cowardly for not using their real name):

Dear Cowardly:

You wrote that it is "obvious that [I] do not know Carl Lingenfelter." Duh. I never claimed to know him. Say, Cowardly, do you "know" George Bush? No? Just wanted to clear that up.

You also wrote, "and that you did not contact him to get the facts regarding your complaints and anything else going on at CTA you might be wondering about." Were you drunk when you wrote your comment? My complaints are simply obvious. The infrastructure is crumbling; did you not see the photos? You think I should have contacted Mr. Lingenfelter to "get the facts" about what everyone can see? You're either a fool or highly paid public relations wonk for the CTA. If it's raining outside, and you are standing in the rain, would you call Tom Skilling to "check the facts" about the current weather, or do you not trust your own senses?

"Your comments/complaints are ridiculous, and I encourage you to forward your disgruntled opinions to you State Representatives," you wrote. Carl Lingenfelter is the one who is publicly acknowledged by Alderman Moore, DevCorp and SSA#24 as the CTA point man who got permission for them to use CTA walls as canvasses. What the hell do State Representatives have to do with that? The facts are simple: Jarvis and Morse CTA stations reek of urine, are crumbling, and Carl Lingenfelter must surely be aware of that. But rather than urge his CTA masters to do some cleanup and repair, he lobbied them to let his buddies paint the walls and put up pre-fab murals. The public urinals and drug bazaars we call Jarvis Station and Morse Station have been big problems for years and years. When will your hero Carl Lingenfelter push to solve those problems? Again: Does Carl Lingenfelter give a rat's ass?

Shame on you, cowardly Anonymous.

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