Kudos to DevCorp and SSA#24

In all fairness, it must be said that DevCorp North and SSA #24 deserve kudos and praise for the Glenwood Art Festival, in its final hours right now. The weather, of course, was beautiful but was bestowed on us by God, not the SSA or DevCorp. But let's give credit where it's due: Mary Bao, Rene Camargo (photo, left) and all the rest who were involved did a nice job of organizing what has turned out to be a wonderful event for the community. Recently, the Clark Street Festival was also a great event, and DevCorp deserves praise for that, too.

Events such as the Clark Street Festival and the Glenwood Arts Festival pull in people who do not normally come to the areas in which the events are held. I witnessed a lot of networking between merchants, artists, and others who have booths at the Glenwood festival. New customers and clientele were gained by people who had booths. Residents benefit by having a good time and learning more about their community in a sort of crash course on the services and goods available to them in their neighborhood.

These types of events seem to be something that DevCorp does well. One of these festivals does more good for the local business community than 11 months' worth of wheeling, dealing and heavy-handed pressure does.

It would be great if DevCorp North could limit itself to events production and stop pretending that the private sector needs their Wisdom. They don't. But we would all like to see more events like the Glenwood Arts Festival. Kudos to all.

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