Got Tux?

Do any of you classy RPB readers know of a good place to buy a tuxedo? No, not rent. Buy. I gotta buy one. Need it for work. Work? Why, yes! I am working again. Let me tell you, this getting up before Noon thing is a killa! I gotta get to bed before Midnight these days. Dang. But the job is cool and I'm digging the folks I work with. No complaints, mind you, just noting the sudden change in my schedule. My new employer says that one of my duties is to look great. Well, heck, I do look great, but I gotta look great in a tux on certain occasions. And so, I am tuxedo shopping. The last time I wore a tux, it was a rented thing that I wore to somebody's wedding. I think President Ford was still in office. Your kind suggestions will be most appreciated. Say, I wonder where I can get one of those top hats? Oooo, and a cane!

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