Enough, Already

Thanks to Pamela for this comment. She said... I should have saved the last post I sent to Westgard's blog before I hit the send key since he's decided to censor it (along with everything else, apparently). I feel the need to try and recreate. In my post that never got posted I made note of the fact that I have no issue with the fact that Mo was a Fagus judge and didn't mean anything by it other than that. When I posted about the mural project, my reaction was "hey, that's Mo, the Fagus judge!" NOTHING more was meant by that comment and my apologies to Mo if I seemed to be implying something sinister. Mo should be proud of her public service. She was a stand up judge, fair and competent. It's too bad that there aren't more judges like her. Mo gets extra credit in my eyes for dealing with a difficult judging situation where one judge was the most imcompetent person possibly imaginable. Everything the incompetent judge touched turned to muck. Not only did Mo and her co-GOP judge run a smooth voting precinct short one judge, they also had to spend their day keeping the incompetent judge from mucking things up. These folks worked hard to see that voting was done correctly. What is ultimately sad about our ward politics is that the good work of dedicated volunteer citizens -- ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE -- got lost in the yelling and shouting at each other, and that's unfortunate. Mo, if you are reading this, I hope you continue to serve as a judge. Your public service is appreciated. My point in all this nonsense is that many of us disagree on ward politics and we should feel free to disagree, and sometimes not politely. If I can dish it out, I can certainly take it. However, I would hope that I would have the grace and goodwill not to spit on some good works project that Mo might decide to undertake -- even if I'm in disagreement with her politics. We all live here. We all bleed the same color. Disagree with me, dislike me, fine, but if I happen to be involved with a volunteer group trying to do good works, please enjoy the fruits of that labor. You don't need to thank me, or even appreciate the efforts, but why spit on it? Who knows -- there may be a community garden project coming to a part of RP near you. Fri Aug 03, 10:08:00 PM 2007

1 comment:

Thanks for commenting! Keep it classy.