DevCorp Hails New Construction Project

DevCorp's Top Queen Bufu, Kimberly Bares, today celebrated the beginning of a new era of prosperity on Morse Avenue in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood.

"We see here a great big gaping hole," Bares said, noting the photograph that her assistant sent to Rogers Park Bench (left).

"It's a hole today, but today they are beginning the construction of a new condo building, with retail on the street level. This will change everyone's lives for the better. Remember, without DevCorp, nothing good is possible. All things good are made possible by DevCorp. Remember that."

When asked how Rogers Park was able to be a commercially successful area fifty years ago without DevCorp, Bares said, "You are mistaken. DevCorp made the economic miracle of the entire United States possible. Without DevCorp, nothing good is possible. Remember that!"

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