Trouble in Paradise

Seriously, is blog haunter "Paradise" a speech writer for Mayor Daley? Imagine Daley saying what Paradise wrote, below:

Pitiful Paradise has left a new comment on your post "Peeking Into the Storefront":

Hey you, I got the dumbest commenter of the week award, you specifically said I wasn't banned, I'm not banned. I just went back to check, I'm not banned.

Posted by Paradise to Rogers Park Bench at July 29, 2007 3:33:00 PM CDT

Paradise: Let us clarify the matter for you: You are banned. Furthermore, THIS comment from you is so mind-numbingly stupid that we will no longer do a weekly Dumbest Commenter feature. We doubt that anybody could ever top you.


  1. Holy moly - that does sound eerily like da mayor.

  2. Too much like da mayor. Kinda scary.


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