Summer Bright

Thanks to Chris Keith, poet and nice guy in Rogers Park, Chicago for the following poem. Summer Bright -for JDTMS Curious clouds- Indecisive as to their objective as regards Reducing light, or letting through Alternating surfaces of lakes untold Stretching to the far horizon through vehicles Of color-changing hues… Aquatic brown, green, turquoise, blue. Eternal summer sun lies washed on beach's edge False order imposed on unrelenting and intractable
Difference among eccentric, rootless lives. Circled round to our urban garden Past cordoned purple daisies Displaying orange gumdrop treats for bumble bees, Lucky butterflies, or passersby- Colors later replaced by the sparkling and joyful
Flickering symphony Of lightening bugs, stray dragonflies Until we’re home shrouded in the comfort Of city’s mystery wrapped in sheltering skies. Knowing today the universe made a deal With the coldness of eternity for an afternoon of sky Providing tent and castle where you and I Eat nature’s gentle handouts- Wild pink raspberries… And close tired yearning eyes Upon courtyard’s cool forgiving carpet. cjk 07

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