Video: U.S. Troops Ask, "What Is Love?"

RPB Note, Update: This is a touching video, and regardless of your stand on the war, you will be moved by the humanity of the men. Especially touching are few quick scenes that include Iraqis, some of whom are children. Enjoy. What Is Love - Barwanah, Iraq From the source: "Just making the time go by in Iraq. Don't listen to all the depressing news stories, we do have fun out there from time to time. We'll win this thing if America let's us. This video was made by the 4th Civil Affairs Group Marines deployed to Barwanah, Iraq from September 06 - April 07, and features men from 2/3 Fox Co. Semper Fi" Direct URL: Hat tip to the Mark Levin Show!


  1. Tom,

    Thanks for finding and sharing this powerful video. The song "What Is Love" is so damn apropos and poignant here. It's clear to me that the marines who produced this wanted to show that they are very much alive and have hope for the future, certainly for their future, and maybe for everyone's future. (Although, the skeptic in me wonders if this isn't merely a very effective item of military propaganda and boosterism for "our boys over there.")

    Well, whatever it is meant to be doesn't matter. This video comes in the midst of mind-numbing tragedy, daily death tolls that most Americans say we oppose but seem only to be bored by, death defying hair-trigger decisions, and horrible loss on all sides. Yet, I felt good seeing - and inspired by being reminded - that excitement about LIFE courses strong through the minds, bodies, and spirits of these American and Iraqi men and children. These guys weren't acting. Most of them clearly showed they loved participating in this production.

    I'm mindful that our nation's superpower occupation of Iraq, following a war we created, has come with abuses and violence, the details of which most U. S. citizens do not know. We'd like to think that everything we are doing there is positive and helps us, and maybe even the people of that country.

    "What is love?" This video makes me think the answer includes hope.

  2. Michael: Thanks for another great comment. Indeed, regardless of politics, we can agree that the video demonstrates the humanity of the soldiers. It brings it home, so to speak. I really liked the few scenes with Iraqis, especially the one with three kids. Wow. Love is hope. Hope is love of a sort, a love of life and a desire to continue. Peace.

  3. I found it terribly sweet and refreshing too. I totally love what you and Michael said about humanity, love and hope.

    If only it were the whole picture. Not to be a negativo, but there are some very bad things happening over there too. My Mom told me there are a few books coming out about the torture. And all those traumatized soldiers that are barely being cared for when they come home. The NYTimes did a piece on the women soldiers being raped and totally messed up.

    These soldiers deserve to be cared for- it's the LEAST we can do.

    Thanks for posting this.

  4. What a great start to my day!!! I couldn't help but think it could also aptly be called "headbangers ball."

    I was in a bit of a funk this morning, end of the week and I am a bit tired. This video was just the tonic I needed.

    Thanks Tom for sharing!!!!


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