Tuberculosis, Hypocrisy and Unregulated Borders

There is one man - a single, lone person - who is being called "the epicenter of America's tuberculosis scare." How ignorant. How utterly, stupidly ignorant. Andrew Speaker recently entered the United States. He has a wicked strain of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). He drove into the United States from Canada on May 24, where a U.S. border guard said that Speaker "looked fine," and allowed him to enter. Since then, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the media and politicians at every level have been in a frenzy. How could this happen? This is proposterous! What kind of horrendous security breach was this? We dodged a bullet! Dodged a bullet? One guy enters the country with an illness and we "dodged a bullet?" Every week, hundreds of thousands of people fly into the country. Thousands walk across the US-Mexican border and US-Canadian border. We know little or nothing about them. Of the thousands of persons walking over the borders, whose names we do not even know, how many do you think are NOT carrying communicable diseases like TB? One man getting caught may be dodging a single bullet, but that counts for little when your caught in a furious crossfire of automatic fire. One bullet may have been dodged, but every hour, day and week there are thousands more bullets flying - and walking - at us.

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