
Nazis, Heathens to Gather at Hyatt Regency July 5-7

Kay Mixson Jenkins wrote a bizarre, and may I say, divisive, comment in response to today's posting "Parkinson's Cured Without Dead Babies!" Summary: Kay calls herself a Nazi, a heathen, and admits that she would sell children's souls to the devil! Wow! I love comments like this! Kay said... Well thank you for clearing that up for the 400,000 embryos that will become "garbage pail babies" because of people like you. RPB: Golly, Kay. That many? And you're blaming me for the deaths of those babies? You're admitting that those fetuses are "babies"? I would like to extend a personal invitation to you to visit me in Chicago July 5 - 7 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare for the Young Onset Parkinson's Conference. There you can meet hundreds of us that are Nazis,heathens and would sell our children's souls to the devil for a cure. RPB: Wow! Kay, your financial dealings with the devil could be dangerous. Now, the ACLU would cherish your right to be a Nazi, and since it's Happy Week here at RPB, I don't want to be too divisive by arguing with you about your political affiliations. Or your "heathen" tendencies. But why, Kay, why would you sell your children's souls when a "Common Blood Pressure Drug Could One Day Slow Or Halt Parkinson's"? Here are a few facts i am sure that mean nothing to you. But to the 1.5 million Americans "living" with this chronic progressive disease that was discovered over two hundred years ago which in this time they have been unable to stop the progression, slow down the deterioration of our bodies or find a cure and for the sixty thousand who will be diagnose this year, which one in seven will be under the age of fifty we thank you for your opinion on our cure. RPB: Interesting facts, Kay, and they do mean something to me. I'm not inhuman. But the fact that Parkinson's was "discovered over two hundred years ago" does not change the fact that right now there is a drug called isradipine that shows great promise as a cure for Parkinson's. What is your point, Kay? As the next nine minutes tick away, someone else will be told they have Parkinson's. How many minutes is that cure? RPB: I don't know how minutes until isradipine becomes approved as a cure. But since 1973 there have been approximately one and one-half million abortions per year. That's roughly 4,100 per day, 171 per hour, or three abortions per minute. Can you tell us how many minutes it will be before embyonic stem cells have been shown to help even one affliction, Kay? Kay Mixson Jenkins June 12, 2007 1:16:00 PM CDT

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to comment on your blog.

    My husband and I both have young-onset parkinson's disease. We monitor and facilitate a chat room for the newly diagnosed people out there who are lost and confused.

    We'd like to invite you to come and talk with us. We man the chat room from 7-11 pm Central time every nite.

    We are no "nazi's, or heathens"... and we wouldn't sell our souls (or our children's) for a cure.

    Please come and have an intelligence conversation with us at Log into the chat room, register and download the java sun software. Then you can talk with us directly.

    I'm disturbed by this blog and by the response to it. And I personally would welcome a chance to talk with you about it.

    Penny Teem


Thanks for commenting! Keep it classy.