List of Deadly Chinese Toothpastes

"FDA: Throw away toothpaste made in China." The Chinese made toothpaste is poisoning you. RPB brings you the hard-to-find list of the toothpaste brands:

FDA has identified the following brands of toothpaste from China that contain DEG and are included in the import alert: Cooldent Fluoride; Cooldent Spearmint; Cooldent ICE; Dr. Cool, Everfresh Toothpaste; Superdent Toothpaste; Clean Rite Toothpaste; Oralmax Extreme; Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor; Bright Max Peppermint Flavor; ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste; DentaPro; DentaKleen; and DentaKleen Junior. Manufacturers of these products are: Goldcredit International Enterprises Limited; Goldcredit International Trading Company Limited; and Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Company Limited. The products typically are sold at low-cost, "bargain" retail outlets. Get more information...

The government warned consumers on Friday to avoid using toothpaste made in China because it may contain a poisonous chemical used in antifreeze… "Our concern today is potentially about all toothpaste that comes in from China," Autor said. "Our estimate is that China makes up about $3.3 million of the $2 billion U.S. toothpaste market." (Yahoo! News) Maybe the Chinese are not intentionally sending us shitty, deadly, substandard crap. Maybe they’re not trying to kill our dogs and cats, or us. It’s possible that they’re just so frikking stupid that they really believe that the deadly chemical diethylene glycol (DEG) belongs in toothpaste. Maybe not, just maybe. Oh look, another headline... Seafood From China May Pose A Threat To Human Health Adding to China's recent problems of food safety is now seafood contamination. As the world's largest producer and exporter of fish and fish products, China may need to more closely monitor shellfish contaminant levels, because contaminants are finding their way into seafood. A new study found samples from markets that contained concentrations of contaminants high enough to pose threats to human health. The study is published in the latest issue of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Full Story at Medical News Today... God knows that the U.S. is doing a fine job of poisoning itself, without the benefit of importing even more - and worse - crap to inject into our food chain. Genetically modified food, for example. Mercury in the water. Cilantro in every damn thing. I hate cilantro. We are being irresponsible with our food supply and we need to work on that. Now would be a good time to visit an Organic Food Store. In the meantime, however, it makes no sense to import food items from places like Vietnam and China, where health standards are still primitive. Think about this. The United States is one of the most advanced nations on earth in terms of general health standards. By the time we are in sixth grade, most Americans know that you shouldn't drink the water when you go to the Third World. Mexico, for example, where local hotel staff will warn you to drink only bottled water. Yet, many Americans are regularly buying food from Third World sources, often without knowing they are doing so. Chinese food products, to be blunt, are shit. Often literally, since much of the fish being exported from China marinates in feces-laced water where it is raised on fish farms. Where was that catfish or trout you had yesterday from? Those mushrooms you had on your pizza? Probably grown and packed in China. We are advised to ask our grocers and restaurants which country the fish – or other foods – originates from. Most good restaurants will know, since good chefs are very into this knowledge themselves and are proud to share the good news that their fish is not from a shit-infested agrifarm in China. Unfortunately, the kid working at McDonald’s won’t be able to tell you where the Filet O Fish is really from. Eat it at your own peril. RELATED: Center for Food Safety Medical News Today FDA Warning that Mislabelled Monkfish Could Be Toxic Puffer FishPackages of fish imported from China into the United States and labelled as monkfish intended for consumers to eat, could actually be puffer fish... More at Medical News Today... Medical News Today achives search for “China” Pressure China on food safety The reality is more Chinese food products are coming in - and fewer are being ... Altogether, Chinese food products make up 3.3 percent of the total food... Full Story at CapitalPress... 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China's food safety woes now a global concern - Diet & Nutrition The list of Chinese food exports rejected at American ports reads like a chef’s nightmare: pesticide-laden pea pods, drug-laced catfish, filthy plums... Full Story at MSNBC... China/Wal-Mart/Chinese Slave Labor/US Products Made In China Chinese slave labor camps in China producing products for companies in the US like Wal-Mart. Photos depicting more of a prison than a work environment... More at Crap Made in China (Chinese site in English) Korea admits that parasites were found in their Kimchi export With Chinese food products entering the Korean market in ever-increasing ... "Koreans are recklessly bringing in poor quality Chinese food products... More from

1 comment:

  1. Yep.

    This will just help reverse the tide a teensy bit, but I can't resist giving the following a plug here:

    True Nature Foods
    6034 N. Broadway

    Evanston Farmers Market
    Intersection of University Place
    and Oak Ave.
    Saturdays 7:30am - 1pm

    Chicago Green City Market
    Inside Lincoln Park at N. Clark and Stockton
    Wednesdays and Saturdays 7 am - 1:30 pm


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