Just when you thought globalization, the North American Union and the SPP were a looming threat (and they are), along comes THIS: "An alliance of big business owners" that is "openly plotting the economic Mexicanization" of the Northeastern U.S. and Eastern Canada. (I miss the United States of America. I hope it will live on in legend and in song.) Workers and farmers in the United States and Canada have been largely kept in the dark about the tragedy unleashed on their counterparts in Mexico with the 1994 entrance of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). But the same all-out screwing is about to happen to them. An alliance of big business owners is openly plotting the economic Mexicanization of an important region of the Northeast US and Eastern Canada. They call their new world “Atlantica,” and have imposed their borders around it as if drawing a new “country” on a Risk game board. Here’s the map of “their” new country, not one founded upon democratic decisions, but with orders barked from an unelected elite of corporate flunkies whose only law is to maximize profits for the owners. In other words: the minimum wage must be abolished, labor unions must be crushed, and state governments must be stripped of the resources and/or authority to enforce environmental, labor and consumer safety protections. Low tax and pro-business New Hampshire is held up as embodying the ideal Atlantican way to govern a state while “Vermont’s tax regime” is singled out as a chief obstacle to Atlantican dreams. FULL STORY from Narco News... RELATED: RESIST ATLANTICA Anti-Atlantica movement Atlantica concept defended at SACC AGM Nova Scotia Business Journal, Canada - June 6, 2007 With entrepreneurs, trade unions and employees questioning the wisdom and motives behind the long-established ... Activists prepare to protest against Atlantica concept, Canada - June 6, 2007 After gearing up for a year, protesters are ready to descend upon Halifax next week to voice their displeasure with a controversial ... Atlantica Concept discussed at chamber of commerce general meeting Cape Breton Post, Canada - June 5, 2007 SYDNEY — The benefits and misconceptions surrounding the Atlantica Concept were discussed at the annual general meeting of the Sydney and Area Chamber of ... Canada: Shut Down Atlantica! 2 hours ago This summer while people across the globe converge in Germany to shut down the meeting of the G8 we will be taking action in the streets of Halifax to stop the destructive policies of the proponents of Atlantica. Stop the Security and Prosperity Partnership - Judicial Watch Judicial Watch is calling for complete transparency and disclosure in the matter. Follow the links below to read the recently released documents and learn more about the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

1 comment:

  1. Atlantica would not be a good deal for New England. The Maritime Provinces, particulary Newfoundland, are Canada's ghetto.


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