West Side Wal-Mart (with video)

Hat tip to friend John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit for this. John writes, "Many Chicago alderman, led by anti-Wal-Mart zealot Joe Moore, fight to keep the retail king out of Chicago. As is the case with leftists, Moore is more interested in broadly fighting for "the people" rather that giving folks what they want: jobs and a way to save money." FULL POST... I would add that hypocrites like Joe Moore always use the term "the people" for self-serving ends. It is "the people" who suffer when they have no jobs, or when goods and services are not available at reasonable prices. Do I have issues with Wal-Mart? Sure, I do. But to deny people goods, services and jobs simply to make a political point is not cool. The video shows employees in their own words praising Wal-Mart. Watch the video here.

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