Free Symposia Series in May at Ennui Cafe

Ennui Café Symposia Series, 6981 N. Sheridan Road, Rogers Park (Chicago), 60626 Pseudo intellectuals and normal people alike agree: Ennui Cafe has great coffee and food. But it also has a cool group of really smart people whose mission in life is to edumacate the rest of us, and they put on these nice events. The anointed call them "symposia." The benighted call them "presentations." Here are the FREE events scheduled for the remaining Thursdays in May. The presentations will begin at 7:30 p.m. 5/10: Philip Dawkins, poet, appearing with Jim & Moonshine's Sock Puppet Social Issues Theatre 5/24: Claire Cooney, poet (plus a second reader, to be determined) 5/31: Larry Coble, novelist and brewer, with Arne Carlsen, humorist

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