Street Food Vendors and Disease Transmission

In a paper titled, "Street food vending in Latin America," the authors detail disease transmission and food sold by street vendors in Latin America. Below is an excerpt from an abstract of the paper. Arambulo P 3rd, Almeida CR, Cuellar J, Belotto AJ. [authors] PAHO, Veterinary Public Health Program, Washington, D.C. 20037. Despite occasional attempts to repress it, street food vending in Latin America appears to be on the rise....Besides placing a hidden burden on public services, the generally unregulated and quasi-clandestine street food industry tends to observe poor hygienic practices and to pose significant public health problems. Within this context, Latin America's cholera epidemics have drawn increasing attention to street food's potential for disease transmission and have created growing support for attempts to resolve these troubles... FULL ARTICLE at PubMed PMID: 7858648 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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