Step Up, Rogers Park, Tell Your Story

If you truly care about Rogers Park, we ask you to step forward and speak your mind. We hear you talking in the coffee shops, on the streets. Do you believe in what you say? If so, why are you afraid to say it to the world? Step up, Rogers Park, tell your story. You can talk to our video camera about politics or non-political things: How long you've lived in the neighborhood, why you moved here, the changes you've seen. If you want to talk about recent politics, that is welcome too. The project will involve interviews with ordinary voters like you in the 49th Ward. You will be asked to remember and speak about polling place improprieties or related irregularities, the divisiveness you or your neighbors felt (or still feel), involvement in a campaign (at any level), and so on.

We call on supporters of Don Gordon and Joe Moore alike to step forward and speak their mind on camera. All will be treated respectfully. THIS IS NOT A "HIT PIECE," AND IS A PROJECT SEPARATE FROM ROGERS PARK BENCH. Here's an opportunity to tell your story to the world. Whether you were for or against Joe Moore or Don Gordon is irrelevant. You will be given fair and equal time and treatment either way.

If you, or someone you know would be willing to be interviewed on camera, please let us know as soon as possible. Please email us at Tell us very briefly why you want to be interviewed. In the subject line of the email, please type "Video Oral History" so it will be given high priority. No email attachments, please. (Emails without that subject line will be deleted as spam.) We look forward to hearing from you.

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