Questions for Michael James

Michael James is co-owner of the Hateland Cafe, at W. Lunt and N. Glenwood in Rogers Park. There are questions that many of us would love answered: - Do you pay your kitchen staff and bus staff a "living wage?" - What is a "living wage?" - Which labor union does your kitchen help and bus staff belong to? - Which labor union does your wait staff belong to? - Do your kitchen and bus staff have taxes deducted from their paychecks, or are they 1099? - Do your kitchen and bus staff get paychecks, or are they paid in cash? - How about the wait staff? - How many times was your restaurant inspected by the City over the past five years? - Will you have a Jerry Falwell effigy burning tonight at the Hateland? Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. RPBooster: Now now, I couldn't publish that comment of yours - I found it amusing but it was just too too hot. Sorry, friend.


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