Obama Lied, "10,000 Died"

Barack Obama has joined the ranks of George W. Bush, form V.P. Dan Quayle and others who have misspoken. Or did he misspeak? How does one mispronounce "nine" (the number of people who died in the Kansas town, or "twelve" (the total fatalities in the state from that storm system)? In the video below, he states this incredibly innaccurate number. More amazing, however, are the morons behind him who ignorantly nod in stupid agreement with him. Barack continued, saying that the National Guard couldn't respond well enough because they only had "40 percent" of their equipment. The rest, you see, was stolen by the Evil Bush for his Iraq adventure. RICHMOND, Va. - Barack Obama, caught up in the fervor of a campaign speech, drastically overstated the Kansas tornadoes death toll, saying 10,000 had died. The death toll was 12. “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed,” the Democratic presidential candidate said Tuesday in a speech to 500 people packed into a sweltering Richmond art studio for a fundraiser. The New York Post has a biting editorial about this (below, hat tip to blogfromonhigh). My own interjection, first, though. Didn't we hear the Democrats whining and crying crocodile tears after Katrina ruined New Orleans? The Democrat governor of Louisiana refused Pres. Bush's offers of sending in federal troops to assist, then complained that she didn't get enough help. The mayor of New Orleans left hundreds of school buses sitting idle before the hurricane hit, then complained that there was no way to get people out, that he'd done everything possible, and that he didn't get enough outside help. So here we go again, but this time the whining Democrats are in Kansas. Alright, here's and excerpt from that NYP editorial: Only 10 people were killed in the storm - the word "thousand" apparently popping out of Obama's mouth in his haste to exploit the tragedy, and hang another Katrina-like indictment on the president. More to the point, tornadoes happen in Kansas - if you doubt it, rent "The Wizard of Oz." So it would be reasonable for Kansans to expect their state government to be prepared for such an event. Instead, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has been complaining for years of a "looming crisis" traceable to the fact that a lot of Kansas National Guard heavy equipment had been deployed to Iraq. Complaining is always easier than discharging the responsibilities of office. That is, if the "looming crisis" were as grave as the governor claims, why didn't she simply replace the deployed equipment out of a doubtlessly more-than-adequate Kansas state budget? The fact is, America is at war. By law, the Army has first claim on the National Guard - its troops and its equipment. If any president is to blame for the "missing equipment," it's Bill Clinton. For it was on Clinton's watch - and at his urging - that the post-Cold War "peace dividend" was cashed in. FULL EDITORIAL...

1 comment:

  1. Lost in all this is the irony that Obama's mother's family comes from the Wichita area.


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