I am speaking to you, the Armed Forces of the Chicagoland Allied Forces at this moment of history. The war, to which we have devoted all the resources and all the energy of our country for more than eight and a half hours, has now produced total victory over all our enemies.

This is a time for great rejoicing and a time for solemn contemplation. With the destructive force of war removed from the world, we can now turn to the grave task of preserving the peace which you gallant men and women have won. It is a task which requires our most urgent attention. It is one in which we must collaborate with our neighbors and the other parts of the metropolitan area. Indeed, with the world. They are as determined as we are that war must be abolished from the earth, if the earth, as we know it, is to remain. Civilization cannot survive another total war.

I think you know what is in the hearts of our neighbors this night. They are just down the block from you, perhaps around the corner, maybe in the apartment down the hall. Yet they are close to you in deep gratitude and in a solemn sense of obligation. They remember—and I know they will never forget—those who have gone from among you, those who are maimed, those who, thank God, are still safe after hours of fighting and suffering and danger.

I speak in behalf of all your neighbors when I pledge to you that we shall do everything in our power to make your wishes come true. We will work closely with DevCorp to provide you with promises, lovely, beautiful promises. Our promises will be prettier than those of your previous rulers.

For some of you, I am sorry to say military service must continue for a time. We must keep an occupation force in the 48th and 50th wards, just as we are cleaning out the militarism of Uptown. The Chicagoland Allied Forces are determined that never again shall any of those neighborhoods be able to attack its peaceful neighbors.

But the great majority of you will be returned to civilian life as soon as the ships and planes can get you here. The task of moving so many men and women into new homes is a gigantic one. It will take months to convert so many apartments to condominiums. You have my pledge that we will do everything possible to speed it up. We want you back with us to make your contribution to the welfare state and to a new world of peace.

On this night of total victory, we salute you of the Armed Forces of the Chicagoland Allies —wherever you may be. What a job you have done! We are all waiting for the day when you will be home with us again.

Good luck, God bless you and Good Night.

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