John Edward's Spanish Booty Call

Populist presidential preener John Edwards, Democrat Dandy and Defender of the Poor, is just itchin' to get his well manicured hands on some sunken Spanish gold. The gold, of course, was stolen from native Americans hundreds of years ago. So here's Edwards, trying his best to further enrich himself with bloody gold. One wonders how many conflict diamonds Mrs. Edwards wears. More about this from The Street:
Just how much of the $500 million sunken treasure found in the Atlantic last weekend belongs to Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards? The reality? The populist one-term senator will get an undisclosed piece of the action from the sunken 17th-century galleon. Ahem. Memo to the Spaniards: Whom do you think you're kidding? Every single ounce of gold your country's galleons brought back from South America, all those centuries ago, was stolen from the natives. The conquistadores raped, murdered and plundered the continent for every scrap of precious metal they could find. If your pirates lost the gold and someone else found it, exactly how much moral claim do you think you have? The question of the day: Just how much of the $500 million sunken treasure found in the Atlantic last weekend belongs to Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards? FULL ARTICLE at

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