Is Joe Moore a Sexist, Racist Child Terrorizer?

Some questions do need to be asked, and these questions are spurred by yesterday's incident of Alderman Moore chasing after a purse snatcher. Before the questions, let me say this: Witnesses have corroborated Joe's story insofar at he gave chase to a person carrying a purse, and then gave chase down an alley. Period. Okay, here come the questions. Why did Joe Moore chase the person who was running with a purse? How did Joe Moore know that the purse did not belong to that person? What was the ethnicity of the purse carrying runner? It is a valid question, because it helps to form a more accurate description of an alleged criminal. Why hasn't Joe Moore - or the press - made that information public? Are we to think this was a trio of hasidic jewish boys? Perhaps they were Japanese kids, or three French-Americans. Did they have light hair or dark hair? Was their hair long or short? Et cetera. Witnesses tell RPB that the runners - there were actually three of them - were young black kids, "about 12 or 13 years old." Given that the purse snatcher and the other two kids are black, and Joe Moore had not spoken yet with the alleged victim, did he make a snap judgement and decide, "Hmmm. Black kid running, carrying a handbag, must be a criminal, so I better run after him." Well, did he? Seems like quite an assumption, really. Joe Moore profiled the runner with the purse. He assumed that the kids were criminals, and all he really had to go on was the fact that they were running and they were black. Because, although Joe said the purse did not match the runner's shoes, how did Joe know that the kid was not an adolescent girl with bad fashion sense? (There are plenty of those in the neighborhood, after all.) Why did Joe Moore chase after children? Don Gordon has taken a lot of undeserved grief and criticism for having chased after black youths a few years ago - because they were rampaging through the neighborhood, threatening people and walking over parked cars. So here comes Joltin' Joe Moore, big man in a suit and $400 Italian shoes, chasing three black kids playing hooky. Gordon watched illegal behavior happening. Joe Moore saw no illegal behavior; running with a purse is not, in and of itself, illegal. Joe Moore was not the guy who recovered the purse. It was somebody else, another man who was given chase, too. Yet Moore let ABC-7 and anybody else who would listen get the impression that he personally chased down the kid and retrieved the purse. Why? For all Joe Moore knew when he first saw the kid running with the purse, the kid could have been a girl carrying a purse and running away from somebody who tried to take her purse! For all Moore knew in the moment that he decided to chase the young black kid, he or she could have been returning his grandmother's lost purse. Now that we can clearly see that Alderman Joe Moore is a racial profiler, a child chaser and a sexist who assumes that kids running are always male, and a fool to boot, will the Westgards of the neighborhood give Joe Moore the same treatment they gave to Don Gordon? Don't count it.


  1. > $400 Italian shoes

    Florsheim is the Official Shoe of the Chicago City Council (R).

  2. I'm guessing this very well could be related to the recent goonings.
    Umm... I'm new to blogpspot; check out my blog. I live in the neighborhood...

    All the best ;-)

    - SpyDog1 -


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