Intel's Andy Grove On Fixing Health Care

Wired News' Kristen Philipkoski interviewed computer industry legend Andy Grove about health care, its problems and his ideas for solutions. Fascinating. WN: Universal health care is such a buzzword these days but you clearly don't think it's the answer. Why not? Grove: I'm not excited about the implementation or our willingness or capability of implementing that concept until we figure out ... what to do with a third-party industry that all of a sudden gets blown up, transported to the moon or whatever. (Insurance companies) would probably be less than enthusiastic about the move. (Insurance is) a large industry and employment for a lot of people -- like it or not it's a real problem. The second part is -- nobody talks about it -- but deciding what you provide under this universal health care system and how do you keep the treatment inflation from making it more and more expensive? How do you make certain treatments available and not others ... as compared to everyone being entitled to every scientific possibility out there, which is the current mind-set. Unless we deal with these two problems, all we do is flagellate ourselves. READ THE FULL INTERVIEW...

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