High-Definition Rogers Park

Two GREAT video interviews today (in hi-def)! Let's keep it up, Rogers Park! Please let me put out a request to anybody out there who saved Gordon or Moore political fliers. I would like to be able to photograph or scan them. I have a few but many were missed. Please let me know if you have some that I can access for a few hours: rogersparkbench@yahoo.com ~ Thanks!


  1. I saved flyers and I have some good handmade passed among neighbors ones, but I don't believe you are capable of being objective enough to show the best of both sides. You'll pull this John Stossle Give me a break or Penn and Teller Bullshit bullshit and show the stupidist of the ones you hate and the smartest of the ones you like. You're not getting anything from me because you banned me. BANNED me!

  2. Goly, Vanessab773, I don't recall banning you. Someone else already offered me access to over 50 pieces of campaign fliers. You're not banned. You're too funny to ban. Keep writing your amusing posts. At least you have the courage to not write as "Anonymous." Have a nice day.


Thanks for commenting! Keep it classy.