Hayek: Jennifer and I Saved Millions of Lives in Hollywood

A few weeks ago, actress Salma Hayek (left) was talking about the roles that Latino women have had in the past. She said that they usually were cast as prosititutes or whores. Dressed like a whore for the interview, Hayek said Latino actresses were cast as prostitutes until she and Jennifer Lopez (dressed like a whore, right), changed Hollywood. Many non-Hispanic actresses have played the roles of prostitutes in film, and some still do, and many more will in the future. Ms. Hayek, however, is above all that. She'd rather just show us her breasts (left) for free than do it as part of performing a creative character study. The Mexican-born 'Frida' star believes Latino women were only given supporting roles in films until she and Lopez pushed the boundaries. "Before us, Latinas only had roles that were part of the backdrop, as the maid or the prostitute. We changed that." Full Article... Hayek is 40 years old and pregnant. She says women must avoid feeling pressured by others that they have to start a family too early, not even by their 14 year old boyfriends.


  1. come on... i don't think a woman dressed in 'sexy' clothes is a whore... do you?

    if you do... then you've got to get out of 'frump' world and date women of taste and money. ohh lala.

    i'd hate to assume that just cause you feel like you can't get a babe like Salma or J-Lo... means you have to call her a 'whore' to cast off the rejection.

    i think you're better than this... really. you have a 'BRAIN' and the fact that 'Us Women' are usually forgiving of a man's lack of... how shall i say... visual stimulation. That is IF other attributes are present and appreciated. ;)

    so hang in there... and ask a 'hot babe' out sometime... maybe if you make her laugh.. she'll accept.

    oh.. and poor J-Lo.. one of the rarest moments in Fashion Faux Paux... TERRIBLE DRESS. She is always stunning in her tastes and dresses. Has one of the BEST stylists EVER!

    perhaps her stylist had the day off. :(

  2. I like Salma and Jennifer, and did not say either is a whore. I did say that they dressed like whores. I sometimes dress like a dock worker. Doesn't make me a dock worker, though.


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