Flaming Fagus

Big tip of the hat to Toni at Howardwatchers, who today asks, "Hey, Fagus: Where's the Outrage?"

BTW, how does a guy like Chicago's 49th Ward Committeeman David Fagus keep his name out of the mainstream news media???

Do a Google News search for "David Fagus" and you get - Nothing! A regular web search on Google produces about 1,170 hits. Weird. Fagus calls himself a "progressive," and he is, I suppose, if you also consider Stalin to be a "progressive." Fagus, who could have been poorly sculpted from a big lump of Spam, is well practiced in the art of agitprop.

Fagus' web site is nothing more than a propaganda sheet, a spewing of lies and cheerleading for his fellow Elitists who lead by the means of the Big Lie. For example:

Todd Stroger Turns it On!
Turns it on? Yes, turns on the big salaries for friends and family. Stroger is a party hack, so fellow party hack Fagus defends him even though Stroger is arguably the most reviled individual in Cook County. Fagus was earning $87,479 as executive assistant at Cermak Hospital, but now, as COO, is earning $113,703. Boy, he and Todd have sure improved things for Stroger Hospital, haven't they?

Blagojevich Getting It Done! Yes, and his administration is under investigation for massive fraud and corruption. Blago and Tony Rezko? Stay tuned.

May 24, 2007
Sun-Times Staff Reporters

On paper, he works for the Cook County agency that represents those too poor to hire a lawyer. But in reality, attorney Richard Velazquez is being paid to give legal advice to County Board President Todd Stroger. FULL ARTICLE...

Meanwhile, David Fagus is sucking a salary over $100K out of the funds that pay for healthcare for the poor. And you're outraged about yard signs. Some "progressive" you are....Where is your outrage about Moore and Fagus putting prisoners and other patients in this position?

1 comment:

  1. http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/404639,CST-NWS-stroger29.article


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