Democratic Lies - Can You Handle the Truth?

Republicans and conservatives acknowledge this, and are their own harshest critics. This post is for my Democrat and liberal friends. Please read this, and as you do remember these points:
  • Alderman Joe Moore, 49th Ward, Chicago, the man so many love to not love
  • Sen. Barack Obama, who endorsed Joe Moore
  • Todd Stroger, the shady Cook County President, who endorsed Joe Moore and was endorsed by Joe Moore and by Barack Obama
  • Howard Dean, whose Demorcratic National Committee released the big Washington dogs on the 49th Ward, to lie, cheat and manipulate for the benefit of Joe Moore
  • Democracy For America (DFA), which locally is experiencing fierce infighting over the Joe Moore Machine Campaign Crimes
  • SEIU, the union that committed so many (alleged) election day misdeeds for Joe Moore
  • ACORN, the criminal gang of "activists" who invaded the 49th Ward to work for Joe Moore
  • Cong. Jan Schakowsky, who shares a campaign office with Joe Moore and whose husband was convicted on federal charges last year; her hubby was verrrrrrry close to Joe Moore
  • Democratic tolerance means tolerance for secularism, but absolute intolerance for religion. Democratic tolerance means tolerance for their supporters, but absolute intolerance for their political opponents. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Pelosi are eager to reinstate the misnamed Fairness Doctrine, which would effectively shut down talk radio....FULL STORY

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