These dangerous, rabid reactionaries are a menace to our society. Don't they understand that all is for the State? We must rise up against them! People! Unite against these selfish property owners! Remember the words of Hillary Clinton, "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." Now, read this article from the running dog Wall Street Journal: Last month antitax activists in Minnesota staged a tax protest that drew some 6,000 taxpayers to the steps of the Capitol Dome in what is considered to be the highest turnout for a political rally in years. The crowd was three times larger than the turnout for the hyped global warming march in Minneapolis. Three days later, hundreds of taxpayers in Lansing, Michigan, swarmed the capital steps to protest Governor Jennifer Granholm's call for higher taxes on business, gas, cigarettes and alcohol. "Not Another Penny, Jenny," one sign read. THE WHOLE REACTIONARY MESS...

1 comment:

  1. Comrade, great posts tonight! We don't need 'politicians' to rule our tax rates. We'd be safer with a group of single mothers who know how to cut corners and balance a budget!


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