
There bee a current mystery in many parts of the world: Where have the bees gone? Honey bees have been abandoning their hives in the millions, and experts are mystified. But stories abound about swarms of bees around the world wreaking havoc and mischief. Recently there was a swarm of bumble bees that forced an airplane to make an emergency landing. Where did those bees come from? LONDON (Reuters) - A passenger plane was forced to land after flying into a swarm of British bees Thursday....Huge clouds of bees have been seen around Bournemouth over the past few days, a spokeswoman said. FULL STORY... According to the EarthTimes, "A swarm of bumblebees forced a British passenger jet to turn back to base, delaying for 11 hours some 200 holidaymakers on their way to Faro, southern Portugal, the charter airline said Friday." MORE... RELATED: Aggressive bees take over Texas street Mick Jagger reportedly used bees to enlarge manhood Mystery ailment kills 30% of Alberta bees Beekeepers attribute winter losses to whims of weather, not disease Bees disappearing in northwest regions of Iran

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