Spreading Fear: Australia Will Disappear

As we wait for the snow showers that are expected later this afternoon in Chicago on this April 10, let's see the latest scary global warming story. This one predicts that Australia and New Zealand (and, presumably, every other island in the oceans) will be flooded over. Note the wording in the story (below) from Time Magazine. We can't get a good five-day local forecast, but the "experts" KNOW that "by 2030" warmer conditions "will" cause x, y and z. Compare the statements below by now-discredited environmentalist Paul Ehrich, author of "The Population Bomb": "I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000." — Paul Ehrlich (1969) "In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish." — Paul Ehrlich, Earth Day (1970) Sound familiar? (For more scary environmentalist quotes click here.) Australia, NZ Could Be Flooded Time Magazine, April 10, 2007 Warming temperatures will cause more drought and higher seas in Australia and New Zealand by 2030, according to excerpts released Tuesday from a report on how global warming will affect specific regions. The South Pacific Islands will be swamped by sea level rises as well as by more frequent cyclones, according to the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations network of scientists. FULL SCARY STORY! Oh my, oh my, oh my.

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