The Shameless Puppet

If you can stomach it, watch this video of Moore sycophants, including the meat puppet Jim Ginderske with Joe Moore's hand up his - well, pulling his strings. This is one creepy video. As you listen to Ginderske talk about Joe Moore as the Saviour, remember that only two months ago Ginderske and his crew were publicly describing Joe Moore as a liar, as something quite evil and in very unflattering terms. Privately, they called him names that I won't repeat here because there might be children present. Funny what an appointment to a land use zoning committee can do to make you flip 180 degrees, isn't it? Note: How much longer will this video be on YouTube before it's taken down?

1 comment:

  1. Wait...

    What year is it? 1984?

    The Ministry of Truth was out in full force for this one.


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